View Full Version : Implicit vs. explicit

20th September 2009, 05:38

Is there an QVector replacement for explicit sharing?

Currently I am using QVector<float>, but it calls detach() when data() is called. If there a way not to call detach()? In another word, I need explicit sharing QVector.


20th September 2009, 06:59
There is no such replacement. You can only pass references to the vector instead of copies of it everywhere.

20th September 2009, 21:24
There is no such replacement. You can only pass references to the vector instead of copies of it everywhere.

I have to pass value of QVector<float>, at the same time I want to change value in one vector and all others get the same change.

Currently I do like this:

const float* data = vector.constData(); // <- doesn't call detach()
((float*)data)[ 3 ] = 5.6; // <- hard cast...

I know this is a very bad idea, but it is the only way not to call detach() and prevent copy on the write...

Any better idea?

21st September 2009, 08:50
Why not using shared pointers, from boost or some other lib?

22nd September 2009, 02:26
I end up creating my own shared array using QVector

template <typename Type>
class QfwSharedArray

QfwSharedArray() : d( new QfwSharedArrayData ) {

QfwSharedArray( const QVector<Type>& array ) : d( new QfwSharedArrayData ) {
setArray( array );

QfwSharedArray( const QfwSharedArray& org ) : d( org.d ) {

~QfwSharedArray() {

QfwSharedArray& operator=( const QfwSharedArray& rhs ) {
d = rhs.d;
return *this;

bool operator==( const QfwSharedArray& rhs ) const {
return d == rhs.d;

bool operator!=( const QfwSharedArray& rhs ) const {
return !operator==( rhs );

const QVector<Type>& array() const {
return d->array;
QVector<Type>& array() {
return d->array;

int size() const {
return d->array.size();

void resize( int size ) {
d->array.resize( size );

void setArray( const QVector<Type>& array ) {
d->array = array;

operator QVector<Type>&() {
return d->array;

operator const QVector<Type>&() const {
return d->array;

QVector<Type>& operator() () {
return d->array;

const QVector<Type>& operator() () const {
return d->array;

Type &operator[]( int i ) {
return d->array[ i ];

const Type &operator[]( int i ) const {
return d->array[ i ];


class QfwSharedArrayData : public QSharedData {
QVector<Type> array;

QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QfwSharedArrayData> d;


template <typename Type>
QDebug operator<<( QDebug dbg, const QfwSharedArray<Type>& sa ) {
dbg.nospace() << sa.array();
return dbg.nospace();