View Full Version : Using git with qt creator

20th September 2009, 10:11
I’ve recently installed git and initialized a git repo in my project folder. I can commit and checkout without any issues through the command line, but for some reason the gui in qt creator claims my connection has timed out. Im running windows…. Any ideas?

Error message(s):

21:15 Executing: git status –u
Unable to obtain the status: Error: Git timed out

Please let me know if any further clarification is needed! :)

29th June 2010, 00:18
Better late then never :)

I had what looked like a similar issue...

You might need to add your ssh key (id_rsa) to "c:\program files\git\.shh", then run git from cmd prompt and it will tell you more what's wrong.
Qt Creator's git tool only works on an already configured repro, it doesn't warn on authentication errors. It just sits and times out waiting for authentication.

I'm using TortoiseGit but it uses my Putty Key so it took me some time to realize that "something was missing somewhere" :o