View Full Version : Gui and non-Gui thread problem

21st September 2009, 10:43

I am working on QtC++ (version 4.4.). I am trying to post an event from non-gui thread to gui thread. For most of cases it works fine but don't know why for one particular case its generating error saying:

QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QItemSelection'
(Make sure 'QItemSelection' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents: Cannot send posted events for objects in another thread
QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents: Cannot send posted events for objects in another thread

Please suggest.

21st September 2009, 13:03
Connecting objects in different threads is a little different than what you're expecting (slots are queued and executed via the event system when signalled, and parameters in the signals/slots get copied instead of passed directly). Check out the following links for more info...


and most importantly make sure you understand the design of the Mandlebrot example...

Hope that helps
~ andy.f