View Full Version : Deploying an application on windows

22nd September 2009, 14:46
Hello Everybody,

I'm quite new here, with no tremendous knowledge in C++, so my question may have an obvious answer, but till now i could not see the light... and begin to 'Q'code.

I have succeeded in installing the full Qt SDK on windows; Qt creator works fine ;) [mingwy compiler oeuf corse]
i have compiled both "normally" and statically with the msvc2008 in separate folders. the result seems correct since i can make the .exe running by a simple doubleClick on it.

Now i would like to know how to deploy a simple code on a another computer.
I am tring to reproduce the http://qt.nokia.com/ doc/4.5/deployment-windows.html#application-dependencies (http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/deployment-windows.html#application-dependencies)
tutorial, but after nmake clean, qmake -config release, the nmake instruction comes out with an error :

debug\plugandpaint.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3externes non résolus
NMAKE : fatal error V1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \VC\BIN\link.exe"' : code retour '0x460'

NMAKE : fatal error V1077 : '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \VC\BIN\nmake.exe"' : code retour '0x02'

Does someone knows what am i overlooking? any environnement variable? anything else ?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. after Posting, i wonder if this post hasn't the same response as the 'problem building 2009.3.1 with visual studio 2010 beta' ( two lines below ).
So i am trying the whole thing whith the libraries.

Seems however strange, since the program works in the computer where the install was done.

So i am still in the fog....

23rd September 2009, 09:23
Hello again every body....

I came back to add some details....

Using only the binaries gives me something like the same result :

after executing :
nmake clean
qmake -config release

i have two différents result :

with the "normal" configure, i succeed in having plugandpaint.exe, and the plugins\pnp_extrafilters.dll
however i did NOT succeed in having pnp_basictools.dll !

with the "static" configure, in other directory, i have the same error as related in the first post.


P.S. the variables environnement are C:\Qt\4.5.2(-static)\[bin & lib]