View Full Version : Does qt support Trubo explorer 2006 ????

22nd September 2009, 18:31
Everybody , i can't compile qt under turbo explorer 2006 i am getting lots of errors like

Error E2209 project.h 57: Unable to open include file 'qscriptengine.h'
Error E2303 project.h 84: Type name expected
Error E2139 project.h 84: Declaration missing ;
Error E2238 C:\Qt\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.2\include\QtCore\../../src/corelib/i
o/qfileinfo.h 172: Multiple declaration for 'QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>::isComplex'
Error E2344 C:\Qt\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.2\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/g
lobal/qglobal.h 1780: Earlier declaration of 'QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>::isComplex'
Error E2238 C:\Qt\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.2\include\QtCore\../../src/corelib/t
ools/qhash.h 193: Multiple declaration for 'QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>::isComple
Does qt supports borland compiler ??:confused:

22nd September 2009, 19:34
Here are all supported platforms and compilers listed: http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/supported-platforms.html

Borland is not among them.

22nd September 2009, 20:15
Thanks for the info.........
Why it does not Support Borland compiler..............

23rd September 2009, 10:44
Because this compiler is broken and trying to support it is not worth the effort. Use one of the other available standard compliant compilers instead.