View Full Version : Ultimate Newbie: List of JPG images with text by side

23rd September 2009, 10:57
Hi to all: First post :-) :rolleyes:

I'm a total newbie into QT, so please bear with me :)

I'm trying to find out how I can achieve the following:

A list with two columns: The first column is a JPG image, and the second column is a label with several lines. This is for each row.

Then the list can be bigger than the screen so it will have an vertical scroll bar.

Basically, a scrollable list like the image list for Picasa:

Image , Label
Image , Label

The image are a JPG files always with the same size, and should be clickable to open a "status" window.

I'm thinking in using the QGraphicsScene class and adding QImage and QLabel.

Is this going to work, or is it a simpler way. Any ideas are welcome.


23rd September 2009, 11:02
Please refer to following example.
Notice the list on the left side of the dialog.