View Full Version : Prob with store and retrieve binary data to/from remote sqlserver's image field

25th September 2009, 06:34
Dear Friends ,
I need to store and retrieve binary data from remote sql server's image field. now i can store binary value into remote server by simply reading the source file sontent into byte array and store that byte array content into a Qstring while usnig insert statement.


wBData is a byte array in which i read source file content
QString s1(wBData);
net.get(",photo)+values+(4 ,'"+ s1 +"')&root=blobinsert"


while retrieving sql server gives image field as a Binary base Encoded format i tried to docode.but decoded value does not creates original file i saved into the database


QByteArray wBData1;
net.get(" OR+XML+RAW,+BINARY+BASE64&root=blobinsert&contentt ype=text/xml")

wBData1.append(xml.attributes().value("photo").toS tring());

QByteArray by(QByteArray::fromBase64(wBData1));
fil.write(by); // write into a file

i wondered if any body notify where im doing wrong?



26th September 2009, 17:21
What is "net" and how does it work?

29th September 2009, 06:58
Dear Wysota,

net is QNetworkAccessManager object;


QNetworkAccessManager net = new QNetworkAccessManager();



29th September 2009, 08:40
And where do you retrieve data from it? Remember it works in an asynchronous fashion.

29th September 2009, 11:02
Dear Wysota,
Im retrieving binary data from remote sql server (priviously stored binary data for a image file). and tried to reconvert it into a image file again.
and what do u mean by works in an asynchronous fashion?

29th September 2009, 11:22
Where in your code...

29th September 2009, 16:19
QNetworkAccessManager net = new QNetworkAccessManager();
QByteArray wBData1;
net.get(" OR+XML+RAW,+BINARY+BASE64&root=blobinsert&contentt ype=text/xml")

wBData1.append(xml.attributes().value("photo").toS tring());

QByteArray by(QByteArray::fromBase64(wBData1));
fil.write(by); // write into a file


29th September 2009, 18:17
I still fail to see where you retrieve data from the "net" object. If you think QNetworkAccessManager would somehow magically guess that you wanted it to place the contents of the retrieved file in "wBData1" variable then you're wrong. And again, QNetworkAccessManager works in an asynchronous fashion. See it's docs for examples of usage.

30th September 2009, 06:47
Dear Wysota,
By using net object im passing sql query to sql server, to retrive records from database tables,

QEventLoop loop;
QNetworkReply *reply;
reply=net.get(" OR+XML+RAW,+BINARY+BASE64&root=blobinsert&contentt ype=text/xml")
connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()),&loop,SLOT(quit()));
loop.exec(); //entering event loop until reply object's finished() signal gets activated

QXmlStreamReader xml(reply->readAll()); //storing retrieved xml file content xmlstreamreader object


By using xml parsing functions i am reading the actual record (binary base64) values retrieved from the table by using the following line.
this line reads data from xml object into Byte array variable WBData1

------------------by this way only im retrieving data from net object------------------

30th September 2009, 08:27
Now we're getting somewhere... So what happens after you put the data into the byte array? Where are your sql statements here and what is wrong exactly?

I'm now pretty annoyed with having to drag every information out of you almost by force. Either you provide information and code for others to see what is going on in your code or I'm done answering to this thread.

30th September 2009, 12:30
Sorry Mr.Wysota
Its my mistake, i should post my thread with clear codes and explanations. sorry once again.

the retrieved value from xml file is in binary base64 encoded, so i created another one byte array (byte) to store the base64 decoded binary data, for that i used the following syntax...

QByteArray byte(QByteArray::fromBase64(wBData1));

then im storing the contents of the variable byto into a already opened file, code given below


fil is file object already opened,

after doing all these things i could not get the original file (for eg image) what im stored before into the server.

30th September 2009, 12:34
How does your xml parser look like? If the code you pasted is complete, it means that you don't have a parser and you "forgot" to read QXmlStreamReader documentation which you should now do.

30th September 2009, 13:02
i didnt pasted here the code for xml parsing .
now i gave the complete code for retrieving data from remote sql server & parsing the retrieved xml file.

QEventLoop loop;
QNetworkReply *reply;
QFile fil("testsnd");
qDebug() << "cannot open file for writing"<<qPrintable(fil.errorString()) <<endl;
return 0;
reply=net.get(" OR+XML+RAW,+BINARY+BASE64&root=blobinsert&contentt ype=text/xml")
connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()),&loop,SLOT(quit()));
loop.exec(); //entering event loop until reply object's finished() signal gets activated

QXmlStreamReader xml(reply->readAll()); //storing retrieved xml file content xmlstreamreader object
while (!xml.atEnd())
if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)

if (xml.name() == "row")
QByteArray byte(QByteArray::fromBase64(wBData1));

30th September 2009, 14:27
now i gave the complete code for retrieving data from remote sql server & parsing the retrieved xml file.
You could have done that 12 posts ago...

Are you sure "photo" is an attribute and not an element?

30th September 2009, 14:53
ya sure............

30th September 2009, 14:58
What does this return?

qDebug("%d", wBData1.size());
qDebug("%d", byte.size());

30th September 2009, 15:15
wBData1.size() returns-----------12
byte.size() returns------------------7

30th September 2009, 15:53
Somehow I doubt you can fit an image with all its headers in 7 bytes...

1st October 2009, 16:51
dear Wysota,

while inserting binary value into the remote server database table with the following code

QString str;
QFile fileIn ("Sunset.jpg");
QByteArray wBData;
net = new QNetworkAccessManager();
if (fileIn.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly))

qDebug()<<wBData.size(); //returns 59129
net.get(",photo)+values+(4 ,'"+ str +"')&root=blobinsert"

qDebug returns value 59129

but while retrieving same binary data value from remote server qdebug returns

wBData1.size() returns-----------12
byte.size() returns------------------7

which is entered in the previous thread

1st October 2009, 17:26
What's the whole xml you get from the server? Also how do you know the image is stored correctly? You are not encoding the data here anywhere...

5th October 2009, 06:51
Dear Wysota;
yes im not encoding the data while storing, but im storing the contents of byte array contents into a QString object while inserting the binary value into the remote server ( the code i gave in previous thread).

the whole xml contents which im retrieving are given below,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><blobinsert><row photo="w7/DmMO/w6A="/></blobinsert>

from the xml file i retrieved from the server the base64 encoded binary contents are

Please let me know, where im getting wrong ? and what is the correct way to do this process


6th October 2009, 15:06
Dear Wysota;
yes im not encoding the data while storing, but im storing the contents of byte array contents into a QString object while inserting the binary value into the remote server ( the code i gave in previous thread).

the whole xml contents which im retrieving are given below,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><blobinsert><row photo="w7/DmMO/w6A="/></blobinsert>

from the xml file i retrieved from the server the base64 encoded binary contents are

Please let me know, where im getting wrong ? and what is the correct way to do this process
