View Full Version : Doubt with picker, return unscale value, how to?

25th September 2009, 11:18

I have a plot curve with markers and pickers and it works fine.

Now I have a problem, bottom axis X is scale , for example, 0 to 60, and this axis have 200 points, right?

I known how to obtain the position of picker according with scale:

x_pos = this->plot_curve->axisScaleDraw(QwtPlot::xBottom)->map().invTransform(pos.x());
y_pos = this->plot_curve->axisScaleDraw(QwtPlot::yLeft)->map().invTransform(pos.y());

But now, I am interesting in obtain X unscale position, for examle, my scale is 0 - 60 and I have 200 points, then if I click with picker in point 30, unscale value is 100.

How can I do it?

Best regards