View Full Version : many connect

29th May 2006, 12:07
Hi, I have 8 tabs in a tabwidget; every tab contains 3 spinboxes (8x3=24 spinboxes).
When I change spinbox values I need calls a SLOT (the same slot for all spinboxes).
For reduce the number of connect I tried to use buttonGroupBox, but someone said me spinboxes, with buttonGroupBox) doesn't trigger signals; how to do to avoid 24 connect???

29th May 2006, 12:33
You can't avoid them. You can centralise them by implementing a signal proxy, but you'll have to connect all of them to the proxy anyway.

29th May 2006, 12:46
What do u want to say with signal proxy? Where can I find its explanation ? (I need also know who is the sender)

29th May 2006, 12:55
Using QSignalMapper I guess... Or signal multiplexer (http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/qq08-action-multiplexer.html), depending on the effect you want to achieve.