View Full Version : QTableView Issues with Qt 4.5.3

5th October 2009, 20:58

My program has been working perfectly with all versions of Qt up to 4.5.2, however with Qt 4.5.3 I have big problems with rows updating in my QTableView.

I'm really stuck because the code has been working fine for so long, I cant narrow down what the problem is :(

For example here is my model's data function, column 3 updates randomly, not when the models data actually changes, for example if i click around and resize the tableview it forces the value to update.

QVariant dlQueueModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
// Data for table view
return QVariant();

if(index.row() >= jobs.size() || index.row() < 0)
return QVariant();

if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)


else if(index.column() == 4)
return QString::number(jobs.at(index.row()).getTotalSegme nts() - jobs.at(index.row()).getIncompleteSegments()) +
" of " + QString::number(jobs.at(index.row()).getTotalSegme nts());

return QVariant();

When I update the data I call this function:

void dlQueueModel::itemChanged(int aX, int aY, int bX, int bY)
// Let the model know its data has changed
emit dataChanged(createIndex(aX, aY), createIndex(bX, bY));

Does anyone know of anything QTableView related that changed in 4.5.3 that could be causing these issues?

Thanks and sorry for the vagueness!