View Full Version : Constructing tray icon with QIcon

6th October 2009, 08:20

I have made tray icon with QSystemTrayIcon.
I use following to set icon of trayicon (I use qrc resources):


On my computer icon is constructed ok, but when deployed on another computer, I get empty icon - tray icon with no picture in it. How is this possible - I thought that Qt resources are compiled into binary and because of that always available when deployed to another computer? Any idea, what is wrong here?

6th October 2009, 08:34
try this:

trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(this);
icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(QString::fromUtf8(":/mailbox.png")), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off);

for this you need to add the image file name into your qrc file also don't forget to copy the image file while moving to other system.


6th October 2009, 09:38
It could also be a problem of image plugin.
copy the proper dll from QTDIR\plugins\imageformats to your destination and see if it works

6th October 2009, 09:54
Thanks for suggestions, I converted gif to png, and now it works! Excellent!

6th October 2009, 12:04
I converted gif to png, and now it works!
Then surely it must be a case of missing image plugin dll. Try my last post and see if it works for gif ?
Also is ur qt built with gif support ?

6th October 2009, 20:04
I am not sure if I've done it right. I copied qgif4.dll into plugins\imageformats subfolder of where my exe is deployed.
It still does not work with gif.
I am using prebuilt Qt binaries that came with 2009.03.

6th October 2009, 23:02

I am not sure if I've done it right. I copied qgif4.dll into plugins\imageformats subfolder of where my exe is deployed.

you must copy this dll into imageformats subfolder of where your exe is deployed and not plugins\imageformats ;)

7th October 2009, 06:18
Yes and now it works with gif too!!! Thanks!