View Full Version : Multiple source files per ui

13th October 2009, 22:27
I have a QTabWidget on a form with quite a few widgets in each tab. It would be much more readable if I could have a seperate source (.cpp/.h) file for each tab rather than being all in the one file. Is this possible whilst still using Designer?

(Ie, I know I can do it in code by creating the widgets myself, but I would prefer to do the gui for each tab in Designer, as its easier to maintain)

13th October 2009, 23:43
you can make every widget in designer and then just add them in code to proper tabs

14th October 2009, 17:32
doesn't that mean though that they'll be in different ui files? I want all the tabs to be in a single ui file, but the code behind to be in seperate cpp files.