View Full Version : Mouse misalignment using QT/Embedded and directfb

14th October 2009, 21:41
I'm seeing odd mouse behavior using the QT demo applications with directfb.

I'm using QT for Embedded Linux 4.5.3, and have configured it using "-embedded i386" and "-plugin-gfx-directfb".

I'm running the applications on my Ubuntu laptop, using a command like this:
demobrowser -qws -display directfb

If set directfb to use an X11 window (using "system=x11" in .directfbrc), everything works fine, and the mouse cursor is aligned correctly.

If I run the application in linux virtual terminal (use the linux framebuffer), the mouse cursor isn't shown at the correct location. In the browser, for example, the cursor may be shown an inch above and to the left of a link when the browser thinks the mouse is hovering over the link.

The misalignment is constant across the whole screen, and seems to have something to do with what happens at the edge of the screen. If I move the mouse past an edge, the misalignment changes in proportion to the distance beyond the edge that the mouse is moved.

Any clues about what might be going on?

15th October 2009, 19:09
The weirdness that I was seeing was in 4.5.3. I found that going back to 4.5.2 cures the problem for me. ;)

21st October 2009, 18:37
Hi all:

I found the same issue using Qt 4.5.3 and DirectFB in a sh4 embedded platform. As a workaround, I substituted the file:


by the 4.5.2 one and it works fine again. Is it a bug in this last Qt version or what? Any idea?
