View Full Version : NSIS script for QTCreator

20th October 2009, 14:13
I saw that QT Creator is using NSIS to install itself.

However I was not been able to find the NSIS script used to create the install package looking at the sources of QTCreator.

I was looking for this script in order to see how the people from QT are providing/declaring the dynamically linked QT libraries (qt dll's under windows) to their installation package.

More generally I would be interested in any kind of hints to find NSIS script used to create installation packages for QT based application using dynamic linking of the QT libraries.

27th October 2009, 18:57
there is nothing special about creating NSIS scripts for Qt based applications. Just a matter of figuring out the minimum required dlls/plugins for your app.

I found the following quite helpful:

good luck