View Full Version : build application on Mac os x and on Linux

22nd October 2009, 08:59
I try to build an application on Mac os x (same for linux). My program works on my computer but I cannot use my application on another computier because some libraries are missing. So, could you tell me the way to have this application working without to install any other lib. There is any option in debug or realse mode to do that.


22nd October 2009, 14:18
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Standard_Base
(macs are a different issue; google for "universal binary", maybe those help)
using static linking avoids some issues (your binaries get larger, though).

also see deployment

23rd October 2009, 08:50
I used macdeployqt to create my application

The Mac Deployment Tool

The Mac deployment tool can be found in QTDIR/bin/macdeployqt. It is designed to automate the process of creating a deployable application bundle that contains the Qt libraries as private frameworks.

The mac deployment tool also deploys the Qt plugins, according to the following rules:

* Debug versions of the plugins are not deployed.
* The designer plugins are not deployed.
* The Image format plugins are always deployed.
* SQL driver plugins are deployed if the application uses the QtSql module.
* Script plugins are deployed if the application uses the QtScript module.
* The Phonon backend plugin is deployed if the application uses the Phonon module.
* The svg icon plugin is deployed if the application uses the QtSvg module.
* The accessibility plugin is always deployed.
* Accessibility for Qt3Support is deployed if the application uses the Qt3Support module.

macdeployqt supports the following options:

* -no-plugins: Skip plugin deployment
* -dmg : Create a .dmg disk image
* -no-strip : Don't run 'strip' on the binaries