View Full Version : QTreeWidget and eventFilter

2nd November 2009, 02:39
I placed a QTreeWidget on a QDialog. And I want to get QTreeWiget's mouse press event,so I use eventFilter like this:
in QDialog's construction

ui.m_pTreeWidget->installEventFilter( this );

in the eventFilter() function:

bool ***::(QObject *pTarget, QEvent *pEvent)
if( pTarget == ui.m_pTreeWidget )
if( pEvent->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress )
return false;
return QDialog::eventFilter( pTarget, pEvent );

But I can't get the mouse press event,why?
Thanks a lot !

3rd November 2009, 09:21
Filter events on the tree's viewport() and not on the view itself.

5th November 2009, 06:38
Filter events on the tree's viewport() and not on the view itself.

Thank you! It works.