View Full Version : Missing tileVertically()

2nd November 2009, 15:08
QWorkspace provides tile() and cascade(). Both are nice, but I need a function to layout the windows in a workspace horizontally.

This is typically useful in settings where you have 3 textfiles visible and you want to place them underneath each other for easy comparison.

A tile() would typically place one on the left and two tiled on the right.

Am I missing something obvious here?

2nd November 2009, 15:14
Hi, first of all, if it's a new project, try using QMdiArea. It works much better than QWorkspace, especially if you need access to the positions of the subwindows.

To get a horizontal or vertical tile, you have to subclass QMdiArea and move/resize the subwindows yourself.


3rd November 2009, 07:01
Ah! Thanks. I think I'll wait. I've come pretty far in the project and thought of adding it as an extra feature.

But if manually positioning is the way to go, maybe I'll fix something for the next version.