View Full Version : Problem Linking With QAxWidget

Turd Ferguson
4th November 2009, 20:52
I am attempting to build a widget which contains a few buttons, text displays, and a qaxwidget. I have already enabled the ActiveQt Container module for the project. Here is my setup :

Qt 4.5.0
MS Visual C++ 2008
Compiling into an executable file

I include <QAxWidget>. I try to do the following :

QAxWidget* myAx;
myAx = new QAxWidget();

I get the following error :

1>aircraftComp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall QAxWidget::QAxWidget(class QWidget *,class QFlags<enum Qt::WindowType>)" (??0QAxWidget@@QAE@PAVQWidget@@V?$QFlags@W4WindowT ype@Qt@@@@@Z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall aircraftComp::aircraftComp(class QString,class QWidget *)" (??0aircraftComp@@QAE@VQString@@PAVQWidget@@@Z)
1>.\bin\jca.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I can't figure out why it will not link. The constructor it says it cannot find is declared and defined in the Qt source. I've tried adding qaxwidget.lib and qaxcontainer.lib as dependencies and it doesn't help. Anybody have any ideas? :confused:

20th November 2009, 06:28
LIBS += qaxcontainer.lib