View Full Version : QPushButton icon & dialog cursor

5th November 2009, 14:41
Hi, i'm working on an avr32 running qt 4.5.2 and i'm trying to display a button with an icon.
In qt designer i included the image inside the resources and assign the icon to the button.
But on the target i can't see the icon on the button, i've also tried to copy the image on the target with no luck.
Another question, i'm hiding the cursor with:

QApplication app(argc, argv);

but once my app start i still can see the cursor...as soon as i touch the screen the cursor finally disappear.

Any hints?


5th November 2009, 15:08
I've just found out that qt designer generates this code:

QIcon icon;
icon.addFile(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/email_arrow.png"), QSize(), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off);

if i remove ":/" works great.
How can i tell qt designer to not put :/ before?