View Full Version : Projects description extensions

6th November 2009, 19:13
Hi guys, I have another problem: I want add any description to files as you can see in picture below. How can I do it in Qt Creator ?

6th November 2009, 19:33
You need to write a shell extension, you don't necessarily need Qt but you need to implement the IQueryInfo and IPersistFile interfaces as well as IUnknown to add that functionality to explorer.

6th November 2009, 19:38
...I never had use it....What it needs?

6th November 2009, 19:42
You need to create an ATL project in Visual Studio and implement the interfaces IQueryInfo, IPersistFile and IUnknown, this link may help you:


The examples here use MFC which is not necessary but it should get you started.

6th November 2009, 19:46
I used Dev-C++ when I needed to add any description to file...and it was working :confused:

6th November 2009, 19:56
Yes, to add a description that all your need to do, but if you wanted to add a popup box like the one shown in your screenshot you would have to implement the interfaces as stated. From your first question it seemed you were asking how to implement or copy such behaviour, not just change the "description" line.

6th November 2009, 20:06
Seems I over-complicated matters, I thought you were asking how to display your own custom info tips for your own files types.

6th November 2009, 20:10
fatjuicymole: I don't need this popup ...Just this text under file name...:rolleyes:
I need just add version under file name because I have versioned files...
See this red rectangle...not that popup :D

6th November 2009, 20:15
I can't help you there, I use Visual Studio and MS resource files, it must be just as easy in Qt Creator though. Perhaps someone else can point you in the right direction

6th November 2009, 20:20
I used everything...but the easiest way was do it by Dev-C++ and little bit CodeBlocks...but here...I don't know.

7th November 2009, 12:40
Nothing? :confused:

8th November 2009, 16:33
You have to use .rc file

see attached file (rename it to rc.rc) and edit your project file

RC_FILE = rc.rc


8th November 2009, 17:19
Thaaaaanks ! Thank you very much :) ;)