View Full Version : QODBC on BLOB

6th November 2009, 23:26
I found that QODBC doesn't support BLOB and I really need it to access a BLOB column in my database which is in an SQL server.

a little bit of a background. I have an app that reads (not write) a database that contains a blob column in a table. The writing part of the blob in the database is done by some other application which is not Qt based. I wanted to show this blob column in widget somehow, but first i have to get the BLOB .

Now my questions..
Using QODBC (maybe i misunderstand things) is there a way to get a BLOB data from MS-SQL database?

If QODBC does not support BLOB ,what are my options to get my BLOB data ? Does this means i have to write my own (subclass of QSqlDriver) driver?

Once i can get the BLOB then I can convert these byteArray accordingly..
