View Full Version : parse items of QTreeWidget into file/QSettings

Mystical Groovy
7th November 2009, 12:51
Good morning everyone

does anyone know how to parse the items of a QTreeWidget into a file?
Im trying to save the list of items in QTreeWIdget with QSettigns but currentItem()->text(0);
works only for one item

Iv tried to do : selectAll(); and then currentItem()->text(0) but it freezes my program..

Some samples Ive tried

Trying to parse the items on QSettings value

the above on freezes my program, segmentation fault....

Trying to parse the items on a file for futher processing later.

QFile repos("/tmp/repositories");
repos.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate);
QTextStream repoList(&repos);
repoList << treeWidget->currentItem()->text(0);

the above write to /tmp/repositories file only one item

Please help, thank you :)

Mystical Groovy
8th November 2009, 12:30
ive managed to do the following:

//where "repoList" is my treeWidget

QFile repositories("/tmp/repositories");
repositories.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate);
QTextStream repositoryList(&repositories);
QTreeWidgetItem *parent;

int count =
parent ? parent->childCount() : repoList->topLevelItemCount();

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
QTreeWidgetItem *item =
parent ? parent->child(i) : repoList->topLevelItem(i);
// do something with the item
repositoryList << repoList->topLevelItem(i)->text(0);

I found the above code in an old thread of qt-interest
The thing is, that even if the above code works nicely, saves my items in one line.

for example, my items in the QTreeWidget is like this:

test repo1
test repo2
test repo3
The above code saves it like this:

test repo 1test repo 2test repo 3

Ive tried to customize the code but no work...
any suggestions?

8th November 2009, 14:28
Well if you want linebreaks use:
repositoryList << "\n";

But you should consider using a XML or any other structured file (e.g. csv) to save your items...

Mystical Groovy
8th November 2009, 16:52
ok now i feel stupid...
thank you :)