View Full Version : MFC to QT

9th November 2009, 10:20

Our current GUI is implemented in MFC, Our build environment is

> Windows XP (SP2),
> VC6

We are using Nmake for building your source .

My Questions are :

> Can we replace MFC with QT without changing our build environment
> Like any other sdk, Do i have to (include & Library folder) from qt4 installation

I want to build some samples with VC6 to present to team, how to start ?

Best Regards

9th November 2009, 11:48
Can we replace MFC with QT without changing our build environment
Please elaborate your mean by build environment.

Like any other sdk, Do i have to (include & Library folder) from qt4 installationNot every time If you add Qt installation in your environment variable (PATH). ;)

I want to build some samples with VC6 to present to team, how to start ?
Download qt sdk from here (http://qt.nokia.com/downloads) and voila.:D

For migration help click here. (http://qt.nokia.com/products/appdev/add-on-products/catalog/4/Windows/qtwinmigrate/)

9th November 2009, 15:45
I don't see why your build environment should change, after all, the most you'll be doing is using a few custom build steps for MOC and UIC, and the later only if you use .ui files (typically from QDesigner).

Qt comes with a VS addin that can generate valid VS project files from either nothing, or .pro (QtCreator) files.

You will however have to recompile Qt (or contact Nokia about a commercial license, unless you have one already), as by default it only comes with libraries for GCC. This step isn't difficult however and you can be done in a few hours. You can just throw it into the background, so no need to sit around waiting for it.

9th November 2009, 16:40
And you should use Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition as Visual Studio 6 isn't supported any more and shouldn't be used period.