View Full Version : QScript script side callbacks

10th November 2009, 23:29
The solution may be simple. Then again it may not be possible.

I have the base callback class:

class CFCallback {
int command_;
int transfer_rate_;
CFCallback(int command, int transfer_rate = 0) {
command_ = command; transfer_rate_ = transfer_rate; }
virtual ~CFCallback() {}
virtual void operator()(void *data) = 0;
int GetCommand() { return command_; }
int GetTransferRate() { return transfer_rate_; }

And here's one example of deriving from CFCallback:

void CFPacketVersion::InitiateVersion() {
class InitiateVersionCB : public CFCallback {
CFPacketVersion *visitor_;
InitiateVersionCB(CFPacketVersion *v, int command) :
CFCallback(command) {
visitor_ = v;
void operator()(void *data) {
Packet *pkt = (Packet *)data;
unsigned char *pkt_data = pkt->GetData();
std::string version = "";
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pkt->GetDataLength(); i++ )
version+= pkt_data[i];
delete []pkt_data;
boost::regex rex("CFA(.*?):h(.*?),v(.*?)$");
boost::smatch what;
if( boost::regex_match(version, what, rex) ) {
if(visitor_->GetModel()->GetName() != what[1].str() )
LCDInfo("Crystalfontz: Model mismatch");
GetVersion(new InitiateVersionCB(this, 1));

GetVersion(CFCallback *) is provided to the script engine.

I want to be able to do the same thing as seen in InitiateVersion, but on the javascript side of things. Is that possible?

I know I need to register meta type info for CFCallback. But I don't know if it's possible to use a pointer to a CFCallback. What I tried initially didn't work.

Also, seeing as CFCallback is a functor, I'm not sure how I translate that over to javascript. I imagine I can make CFCallback a QObject and provide a signal emitted from operator(). If you have any tips, please share.