View Full Version : Windows 7 and QPixmap

12th November 2009, 18:58
I'm having difficulty loading a jpeg image into a QPixmap in windows 7. I've even attempted running the Qt demo: imagescaling.exe and browsing and loading in there as well.

Now granted I am running Qt 4.5.1 and not the latest 4.5.3, however looking through the release notes of those versions i didn't see any mention of a bug fix. I've looked through the bug reports and I could not see anything either.

Has anybody else seen this problem? It loads bmps just fine but not JPEGs.

Also I wasn't sure of the best way to search the forums for windows 7 or the bug tracker on trolltech. I tried Windows 7, "Windows 7", windows7, etc. Not sure what the best combination is.


13th November 2009, 08:49
As far as I remember Qt 4.6 will be the first that supports Windows 7.
Try the release candidate which should come out next week :)

13th November 2009, 12:29
But what problem do you have exactly? Is it displaying any dialog window with errors or what? Can describe what those difficulties are?

13th November 2009, 18:37
Are you sure that your qt app finds the necessary jpeg-plugin-dll?
it must be in imageformats directory

23rd February 2010, 19:36
I know this is an old thread but I just wanted to say that olidem was correct and I was missing the jpeg-plugin. I did not know you had to distribute those (actually I did not know they existed). Anyways works great.