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View Full Version : Adding NEW FONT

13th November 2009, 05:56

Im a newbie to QT. I have started with an application, where in different languages can be typed in to the textEdit field of the application by choosing from the menu. The menu has been dynamically created from the list of (.ttf) files in a directoy

QString Hfontpath = "C:/Users/praveen_g/Documents/QtProjects/Linguist/Fonts/Hindi";
QString extn = "*.ttf";
QDir Hdirectory = QDir(Hfontpath);
QStringList HFfiles;

so when I select a ( .ttf ) file from menu, I should be able to write in that language in the textEdit field. How do I go about it ? can somebody help me

Im using QT 4.5.3( Windows and Linux / X11)

thanks and regards

13th November 2009, 07:35
mmmh... I don't fully understand. Do you want your application to translate a text and insert it after in your text field?

13th November 2009, 07:43
I mean when I write something in TextEdit it has to print the language that I have chosen from the dynamic menu.

13th November 2009, 08:51
into the text edit?

QTextEdit::setText (const QString & text)