View Full Version : Phonon(video and audio separately)

13th November 2009, 12:12
There are media, video and audio track:

Should simultaneously start playback these files.

14th November 2009, 08:09
Seems like Phonon ignores loading multiple file formats because i tried to load a list of files from directory and an error occurred that it cant have multiple filters!

Its also a problem to me either!..

7th January 2010, 14:37
Hmmm ... But if the documents Qt mentioned the possibility of constructing their own DS Graph, why can not I do like this:

object = new Phonon:: MediaObject (this);
object-> setCurrentSource (Phonon:: MediaSource ( "1.avi"));

object2 = new Phonon:: MediaObject (this);
object2-> setCurrentSource (Phonon:: MediaSource ( "1.wav"));

Phonon:: createPath (object, object2);
Phonon:: createPath (object, vw);

vw = new Phonon:: VideoWidget (ui.widget);

It not working :mad:

1st February 2010, 06:30
Hi to all...
Im working on Embedded ARM. Initially i want to know how to install phonon module on Linux PC. Later on I want to compile for Embedded ARM architecture. Plz assist me how to do it...... What to download or in ./configure we need to change something. Once after supporting it i want to play some and video files. Please suggest me, it s urgent..