View Full Version : Convert html links in widget actions

15th November 2009, 17:38
as in the title, is it possible clicking a link in a QWebView and perform an action in qt? I have attached an image to explain what I mean; in "Tab 1" there is a qwebview with three links; now when cliking on one of them should be activated the corresponding Tab.


15th November 2009, 17:52
Use the signal QWebView::linkClicked() and react on it. E.g.: href="#myAction::doOpenTab2".

15th November 2009, 18:32
First of all thanks for the quick reply; I'm trying to follow your suggestion but I don't know what should be '#myAction::' :o


I've added this line:

connect(ui->webView,SIGNAL(linkClicked(QUrl)), this, SLOT(openTab(QUrl)));

but seems that linkClicked() signal isn't emitted; I've tryed with this simple code:

void MainWindow::openTab(QUrl u)
qDebug() << "you have clicked a link...";

but no output in terminal.

15th November 2009, 19:13
I'm trying to follow your suggestion but I don't know what should be '#myAction::' :o

It's just a magic string you could parse in your slot and react on its value.
For your other problem look that you have the right linkDelegationPolicy.

16th November 2009, 12:17
For your other problem look that you have the right linkDelegationPolicy.

Perhaps I'm wrong but it is not possible to set linkDelegationPolicy for a QWebView; it seems a property of QWebPage, that isn't a widget.


I've added the following lines:

page = new QWebPage;
page->setLinkDelegationPolicy(QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks );

now, both QWebView and QWebPage have setHtml() and linkClicked(): what is the right combination to use? I've tryed using setHtml() of QWebView and linkClicked() of QWebView the first time and of QWebPage the second but with no success.


Forget my last edit, have found QWebView::page() so adding this line:

ui->webView->page()->setLinkDelegationPolicy( QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks );

now it works; two final questions:

1) the url returned with linkClicked() contains 'about:blank...': is it possible avoid it?
2) now the function that parses the clicked url is a sequence of if...else; can you suggest me a more elegant way?

Very thanks