View Full Version : Double Clicking Pro File

17th November 2009, 14:17
hi ,
im using qt4.5 in Debian

i want to open .PRO file by double click it.
but im unable to open it.
Every time im RIGHT CLICKING the .pro file and selecting option-> open with QTCREATOR.

In the properites of the .PRO file, the default openwith application is QTCREATOR. but when i try to open the .pro file by DOUBLE CLICKING it, following error occurs

The filename "QTPro.pro" indicates that this file is of type "Qt QMake Profile". The contents of the file indicate that the file is of type "plain text document". If you open this file, the file might present a security risk to your system.

How to open the .pro file by just double clicking it?
any ideas?


17th November 2009, 16:45
This is a system configuration issue and highly depends on the desktop you are running.

18th November 2009, 05:23
Yeah i understood wysota, thnks for the reply.
i have posted the query in DEBIAN form.
