View Full Version : Using dotted QPainterPath in QGLWidget leads to very high memory consumption

17th November 2009, 21:19

using QGraphicPathItems within a QGraphicsView with QGLWidget viewport I came across a strange memory consumption problem. It only happens when using a QGLWidget viewport and a DotLine or DashLine pen.

Here is a short code snipped:

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
QGraphicsView * view = this->findChild<QGraphicsView*>();
view->setScene(new QGraphicsScene());
view->setViewport(new QGLWidget());

QGraphicsPathItem * pathItem = new QGraphicsPathItem();
pathItem->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1.0, Qt::DotLine));

double i = 1000000.0;
QPainterPath path;
path.lineTo(i, -i);
path.lineTo(-i, i);

I tried several configurations with and without QGLWidget, with and without a solid line.

Here are the memory consumption results:

QGLWidget, SolidLine, i = 1000000.0 : 19,3 MB
QGLWidget, SolidLine, i = 5000000.0 : 19,3 MB

no QGLWidget, DotLine, i = 1000000.0 : 13,4 MB
no QGLWidget, DotLine, i = 5000000.0 : 13,4 MB

QGLWidget, DotLine, i = 1000000.0 : 395 MB
QGLWidget, DotLine, i = 5000000.0 : 1,73 GB

Any I ideas how to handle this problem or what I can do to still use dotted paths within a QGLWidget viewport?

