View Full Version : build static Qt Creator

18th November 2009, 18:22
I have tried with several Qt installs with differend configure options, I have even tried making every lib in the Qt Creator source static by adding "CONFIG += static" to all .pro files with TEMPLATE = lib. Still a no go. I receive 17 unresolved external symbols.

Does anyone know of a way to get Qt Creator built, linking with a static Qt? Thanks!

18th November 2009, 18:36
You can't build Creator in static mode because it uses plugins that require that Qt is linked dynamically. You'd have to rewrite parts of Creator source code to be able to build it in static mode.

18th November 2009, 18:59
Can we ask why you want Qt Creator built statically? Normally you leave it dynamic and compile just the bits you want statically. I normally just statically build the GUI and Core libraries and leave everything else alone as I don't need them (yet).

18th November 2009, 20:16
It was purely an educational experiment. I suspected as much (that the plugins were the culprit).