View Full Version : Compilation of QCodeEdit in release and debug mode on windows

18th November 2009, 20:38
I need QCodeEdit in release and debug mode (which is necessary for any library on windows).

However the .pro file seems to build only the debug mode of the library.
Even if I insert

CONFIG += release
CONFIG -= debug

If I want to run the examples (which are in debug folder) they require the debug versions of Qt. Even if I switch to release mode the example.exe points to the qcodeedit.dll in debug mode.

So how do I get the library to be build in release mode?

18th November 2009, 21:51
I have seen that every .pro file has hardcoded the debug version.
Changing it to release and disabling debug in every file resolved it . However that is not the way it should work in pro files - IMHO.