View Full Version : Widget on "background"

10th June 2006, 10:52
I'm using Qt 4.1.3
QWidget have flag Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint
With this flag created window always stay on top... But I would want that the window stay on back
How I can solve this problem?

PS: sorry for my English...my native language is Russian :)

13th June 2006, 06:52
I'm using Qt 4.1.3
QWidget have flag Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint
With this flag created window always stay on top... But I would want that the window stay on back
How I can solve this problem?

Let me get this right...You want the window to stay at the bottom of the "windows" stack right?

well you see qt doesn't have a direct flag for this. However you could use a few tools to get this done: (for X11 only)

1. if using KDE use the porgram kstart like this
kstart --onbottom <program name>

just do kstart --help to get the entire list

2. you can download the program wmctrl (called window manager control) from the net...google it out, first match i think! use it in a similar manner.

With kstart you can start a program and set it's window parameters but wmctrl works only with already existing windows

eg. with kstart you can start a program and shift it to another desktop screen but not with wmctrl.

3. use the _NET_WM hints to set the window properties (read more of this on www.freedesktop.org) using xlib.

as for windows, i don't know how to achieve this effect, It being a closed system not much info is easily available, try on some window specific groups....maybe the MFC classes could be used....but then portability becomes an issue. ;)


13th June 2006, 07:52
nupul thx!

17th August 2007, 05:29
Hello, what I need is exactly as this post suggest or ask, The idea is the app could have the look applet, like superkaramba does.