View Full Version : QextSerialPort General Information

23rd November 2009, 21:14
Hey all,

I've been using a basic serial port driver for a Qt application I'm developing on Linux. I looked at QextSerialPort briefly and was hoping someone could describe some of its features/general things that a basic serial I/O driver doesn't have. I realize the main appeal for using QextSerialPort is its cross platform compatibility. I've looked through some of the class documentation, but outside of that, and the tutorials included in the project, there's no reference or stand-alone documentation that would cover this question.

I know many of you on the forum use this extension, so I was hoping I could get some general feedback to decide whether or not it would be a good idea to integrate it in my program.



24th November 2009, 05:33
2 kachofool,

There is an alternative library QSerialDevice.
A copy of the first release version 0.1.0 here:

But in this release are small bugs, so for the latest version you can contact me on mail. Mail address is available in source code QSerialDevice. I'll help you with QSerialDevice if you will something incomprehensible.

PS: because base site fireforge.net not working so for the latest version you can contact me:)

PSPS: I do not impose their opinions and you can choose between himself and QSerialDevice QextSerialPort

21st December 2009, 20:27
Does anybody know how to use QextSerialPort? I have downloaded the zip file: <qextserialport-1.2win-alpha.zip> but Im not really sure how to begin using this class ( not sure if class is the correct name for it too).

22nd December 2009, 07:04
1. Look here (http://code.google.com/p/qextserialport/). This is actual version of this library.

2. After downloading last version look at examples.

22nd December 2009, 21:12
Thanks Lesiok,

I have downloaded QextSerialPort library, when I run the example "event", nothing really happens, I just get:

Starting C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\qextserialport-1.2win-alpha\qextserialport-1.2win-alpha\examples\event\debug\event.exe...

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\qextserialport-1.2win-alpha\qextserialport-1.2win-alpha\examples\event\debug\event.exe exited with code -1073741515

I have set up two HyperTerminal connections talking to each other, in the hope that "event" may try to listen in on these or something, but nothing happened.

Any idea how am I supposed to play with this example?

23rd December 2009, 04:13
I now have it working...

My first problem was not having <qextserialportd.dll> in the C:\WINDOWS directory,

my second problem was not having the COM ports correct, i.e. to get it going I used a HyperTerminal connection on COM3 and the "event example" was on COM4, I connected a physical connection between these two ports and was then able to achieve communication between HyperTerminal and the event application.

17th February 2010, 00:16
I agree. On windows adding the dll to C:\Windows fixes the -1073741515 error.

I hope this helps someone else.