View Full Version : Procedure Entry Point QChar not found in qtcore4.dll

23rd November 2009, 23:29
HI :),

I am working on a project doing my thesis.
Everything was working fine using QT 4.4.0 commercial, but someone programmed something I needed to develop my stuff using a newer QT version.

I upgraded to 4.5.3 commercial and since then (about a week) I am not able to run the aplication in RELEASE any more. Everything compiles fine in DEBUG and RELESE.
(It's a valid license, as I do the thesis for a company and develop some actions within their software.)

The error I get is the following:

>> The procedure entry point "?toAscii@QChar@@QBEDXZ" could not be located in the dynamic link library "QtCore4.dll" . <<

I did all of the following:

1.) Checked if there are any other qt*.dll s on the computer. None.

2.) Used depends.exe to verify that the App is using the right QtCore4.dll in "C:\Qt\4.5.3\bin". It does. I am not using the SDK, so there is no path "...\2009.04\qt\bin" to get confused.

3.) Rebuild my whole project and recompiled DEBUG and RELEASE version. No errors.

4.) Reinstalled QT4.5.3.

5.) Installed QT4.5.2 and compiled my App with that version.

6.) Checked the sytem-path. And set the "c:\Qt\4.5.3\bin\" as first entry in the path.

7.) Copied all dlls of the QT installation to my app-path. "depends.exe" told me it was using these files now, but there was still the same error.

8.) Tried to find every occurance of QChar in the app (luckily only one), commented it out and recompiled the app.

I probably did a few more things I don't rememer , as I am really desperate. I just do not get it. :eek: :confused:

There is just one very odd thing in depends.exe I do not really understand:

For the file "QtCore4.dll" the "Link Checksum" is highlighted red and is different to the "Real Checksum". But I could find the function"toAscii@QChar" in the QtCore4.dll.

The images of the Dependency Walker are attached.

DO you have any suggestion what else could be the issue?

Thanks a lot in advance!!!!!
