View Full Version : Printing source code

25th November 2009, 11:56

I'm writing an application for a thesis for school. We'd like to include a printout of the source code when we hand in our thesis.

Because there a lot of source code files, printing each on individually would take a lot of time. Does anybody know if there's a program to format and print source code files? (on Linux or Windows) Or another handy way :P

25th November 2009, 16:16
The easiest way would be to just concatenate the entire lot and print that. It'll save on paper too.

cat *.c >output
cat *.h >>output

28th November 2009, 13:24
Apply doxygen (http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/) to your sources. You can then produce a very nice PDF with all your source code files correctly indented and formatted. Plus if you want it can also generate API documentation, inheritance graphs, etc.

Here (http://www-scf.usc.edu/~peterchd/doxygen/example/parser_8c-source.html) is a short example of source code printout.

30th November 2009, 08:28
From what I know either vim or emacs (I don't remember which one) provides nice code pretty-printing capabilities. Otherwise if you want your code to look professional, use LaTeX with the listings package.


BTW. It's a good idea to write the thesis itself in LaTeX too.

2nd December 2009, 21:50
Yes, I already had written my thesis in LaTeX. And that was really much better than with Word :D

Anyway, I ended up with manually creating a LaTex file (and using lstlistings), so I could remove the comments and the beginning of each file, sort the files on subject (GUI, math etc.)