View Full Version : How to use QWT in QT4 Creator on Windows?

Kevin Ching
2nd December 2009, 01:52
Hi everyone,

I've got QT Creator v4 and Qwt v4.2. How do I put two together? I read the INSTALL file and it seems to be for MS Visual Studio.

Thanks for the help.


2nd December 2009, 08:47
Qwt 4.2 is a pretty old release for Qt 3 and Qt2. It won't work with Qt 4.


Kevin Ching
2nd December 2009, 18:37
Great Thanks.

I have downloaded and build the Qwt 5.2 with my QT Designer. How do I integrate those two?


Kevin Ching
2nd December 2009, 20:37
I think I'm getting hand of it. I built Qwt as static and load static plugin using steps from http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/tools-plugandpaint.html (at end of the page). I am now running into a issue.

When building my application, I get this error:
release/main.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x139): undefined reference to `qt_plugin_instance_qwt()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

All I did was using Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(qwt) in main function and modified the .pro file. How should I resolve this issue?


Kevin Ching
4th December 2009, 16:50
NVM. Got it resolved!!! :)

5th December 2009, 00:54
It would be great if you can share how you resolved it.


Kevin Ching
21st December 2009, 20:25
This is how I setup:
1. I unzip everything to C:\Qt\2009.04\qwt-5.2.0 folder (C:\Qt\2009.04 is my QT Creator install folder).
2. I open C:\Qt\2009.04\qwt-5.2.0\qwtconfig.pri file with text editor
3. enabled debug and release build (around line 50 to line 53)
4. build static libraries instead of shared (around line 77 to line 79)
5. save and close the file.
6. open the C:\Qt\2009.04\qwt-5.2.0\qwt.pro file w/ QT and rebuild the whole thing
7. open my own project file (<project_name>.pro)
8. add the following lines to the end of the pro file:

QWT_LOCATION = C:/Qt/2009.04/qwt-5.2.0 # Qwt location (must match exactly to where you unzip the files)

# The following section is to select static lib base on debug or release build
if(!debug_and_release|build_pass):CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
mac:LIBS = $$member(LIBS, 0) \
$$member(LIBS, 1)_debug
win32:LIBS = $$member(LIBS, 0) \
$$member(LIBS, 1)d
9. to link to the qwt, use #include <lib_file>. (for example, u need #include <qwt_plot.h> for your code to be able to allocate QwtPlot object.
10. build your application.


22nd December 2009, 07:21
One step is missing: "make install"

Don't know why, but many people ( especially Windows developers) don't like to install/uninstall Qwt and work with the build directory instead. But at least on unixoid systems ( like the Mac ) you should do it.


26th December 2009, 23:47
One step is missing: "make install"

Don't know why, but many people ( especially Windows developers) don't like to install/uninstall Qwt and work with the build directory instead. But at least on unixoid systems ( like the Mac ) you should do it.


I think we Windows developers have been burned so many times by Windows DLL compatibility issues that if we get something that works, we don't ever want to rebuild it because that could be a direct path into Hell. :crying:

11th January 2010, 18:33
This works well to me, but do you know if this config works also if after finished my application I only copy the static library and src folder to my application folder and change the QWT_LOCATION to the APP_LOCATION ?

This is how I setup:
1. I unzip everything to C:\Qt\2009.04\qwt-5.2.0 folder (C:\Qt\2009.04 is my QT Creator install folder).
2. I open C:\Qt\2009.04\qwt-5.2.0\qwtconfig.pri file with text editor
3. enabled debug and release build (around line 50 to line 53)
4. build static libraries instead of shared (around line 77 to line 79)
5. save and close the file.
6. open the C:\Qt\2009.04\qwt-5.2.0\qwt.pro file w/ QT and rebuild the whole thing
7. open my own project file (<project_name>.pro)
8. add the following lines to the end of the pro file:

QWT_LOCATION = C:/Qt/2009.04/qwt-5.2.0 # Qwt location (must match exactly to where you unzip the files)

# The following section is to select static lib base on debug or release build
if(!debug_and_release|build_pass):CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
mac:LIBS = $$member(LIBS, 0) \
$$member(LIBS, 1)_debug
win32:LIBS = $$member(LIBS, 0) \
$$member(LIBS, 1)d
9. to link to the qwt, use #include <lib_file>. (for example, u need #include <qwt_plot.h> for your code to be able to allocate QwtPlot object.
10. build your application.


15th June 2010, 09:07

I configured Qwt on Windows 7 like you did and all the exemples work !!
Except, when I try to run a project, I get theses errors related to the qmake step:

Exécution des étapes de compilation pour le projet plotscroll...
Configuration non modifiée, passe l'étape QMake.
Lancement : C:/Qt/2010.03/mingw/bin/mingw32-make.exe -w
mingw32-make: Entering directory `C:/Users/Geneviève/Desktop/plotscroll'
c:\qt\2010.03\qt\bin\qmake.exe -spec ..\..\..\..\Qt\2010.03\qt\mkspecs\win32-g++ -win32 -o Makefile plotscroll.pro
mingw32-make: Leaving directory `C:/Users/Geneviève/Desktop/plotscroll'
mingw32-make: Entering directory `C:/Users/Geneviève/Desktop/plotscroll'
C:/Qt/2010.03/mingw/bin/mingw32-make -f Makefile.Debug
mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory `C:/Users/Geneviève/Desktop/plotscroll'
g++ -enable-stdcall-fixup -Wl,-enable-auto-import -Wl,-enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc -mthreads -Wl -Wl,-subsystem,windows -o debug\plotscroll.exe debug/plot.o debug/thread.o debug/win.o debug/main.o debug/moc_plot.o debug/moc_thread.o debug/moc_win.o -L"c:\Qt\2010.03\qt\lib" -lmingw32 -lqtmaind -LC:/Qt/2010.03/qwt-5.2.1/qwt-5.2.1/lib\-lqwt d -lQtGuid4 -lQtCored4
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/Users/Geneviève/Desktop/plotscroll'
mingw32-make: Leaving directory `C:/Users/Geneviève/Desktop/plotscroll'
g++: d: No such file or directory
mingw32-make[1]: *** [debug\plotscroll.exe] Error 1
mingw32-make: *** [debug] Error 2
Terminé avec le code de sortie 2.
Erreur lors de la compilation du projet plotscroll //Error in the compilation of plotscroll project
lors de l'éxecution de l'étape 'Make'

Here's my .pro file:

QWT_LOCATION = C:/Qt/2010.03/qwt-5.2.1/qwt-5.2.1 # Qwt location (must match exactly to where you unzip the files)
LIBS = -L$${QWT_LOCATION}/lib\-lqwt

# The following section is to select static lib base on debug or release build7.
if(!debug_and_release|build_pass):CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
mac:LIBS = $$member(LIBS, 0) \
$$member(LIBS, 1)_debug
win32:LIBS = $$member(LIBS,0)\
$$member(LIBS, 1)d


plot.h \
thread.h \
win.h \

plot.cpp \
thread.cpp \
win.cpp \

How can I fix this ?
Thanks for your help !!

17th May 2011, 13:41
Same with me. It's the debug setting that's bugging. Changed it to Release and it seems to work fine.

17th May 2011, 16:58
15th June 2010...