View Full Version : Mac OS X and QT LGPL licensing (dynamically linked libraries)

2nd December 2009, 13:27

I'm totally new to C++ and QT having used REALBasic for application development (I'm a web developer at heart).

Qt looks good but I'm a little confused about the licensing and use of dynamically linked libraries.

If I were to develop with Qt (but not change and re-use Qt's source code), can I deploy a proprietary application (with a price tag) and not make public its source code?

More specifically, I understand you need to dynamically like Qt's libraries in your deployed - which I assume is the normal use of includes.

If I were to deploy an application on OS X using the macdeployqt, whereby it automatically bundles the Qt libraries within the .app package/folder, is that still dynamic linking of the libraries and therefore within the LGPL license requirements (assuming I haven't used other external code that would be outside the LGPL)?

Any help would be appreciated before I dive-in.

2nd December 2009, 13:32
If I were to develop with Qt (but not change and re-use Qt's source code), can I deploy a proprietary application (with a price tag) and not make public its source code?


More specifically, I understand you need to dynamically like Qt's libraries in your deployed - which I assume is the normal use of includes.

If I were to deploy an application on OS X using the macdeployqt, whereby it automatically bundles the Qt libraries within the .app package/folder, is that still dynamic linking of the libraries and therefore within the LGPL license requirements (assuming I haven't used other external code that would be outside the LGPL)?

It's no problem. You application is still dynamically linked. It's just like you would make a zip package.

3rd December 2009, 06:04
Please take a look at this:
Qt: Making the right licensing decision (http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2009/11/30/qt-making-the-right-licensing-decision/)