View Full Version : True virtual model-view ?

2nd December 2009, 14:42
I was waiting for 4.6 to offer something new in the area of model-view architecture and did not find any changes, at least in the documentation. Hope that I missed smth!

I have a view of over 10^6 entries in the file that I am showing in a treeview (3 columns).

I had to implement my own paging because Qt model shows all top-level items on the start, which makes showing that # of items using default Qt mechanics impossible.

Can anybody suggest a better Qt-based way of showing that many entries? Oh, how I miss virtual lists in C#...

2nd December 2009, 14:47
I'm using a QTreeView in a project at the moment that can contain upwards of 1 million items, and Qt only requests the items that are visible, not all of them, so the view is instant.

Maybe you can post some code?

3rd December 2009, 12:12
I had to implement my own paging because Qt model shows all top-level items on the start, which makes showing that # of items using default Qt mechanics impossible.

Can anybody suggest a better Qt-based way of showing that many entries? Oh, how I miss virtual lists in C#...

You have to call
setUniformRowHeights ( true )

This avoids calling ALL row heights on startup and as fatjuicymole said, will only call for visible data. The speedup is noticeable...