View Full Version : QT designer addtional plugin

3rd December 2009, 11:41
I used QT 4 and
I have download QLed plugin and I would like to add it to QT designer for custum use.
I added the library file libqledplugin.so to /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer but I recieved the error The plugin uses incompatible QT library(4.5.3) release (same error on debug version)
Maybe some know how to fix it? :(

Thanks in advance,

3rd December 2009, 12:05
Build the plugin using the same version of Qt your Designer is built against (in release mode).

3rd December 2009, 12:48
Please write me how could I upgrade QT designer to 4.5.3 as my QT creator. Or maybe how could I upgrade both to same version

3rd December 2009, 13:00
Did you install Creator using your system's software package manager? Or did you download it separately in binary or source form?

3rd December 2009, 13:25
hi wysota,
Many thanks for your help, I fixed now I could see QLed on QT designer.
I just modify the QT creator version to automatic version when I compile the QLed code and then copy this lib to designer lib and it's OK now.

Could you help me with wwWidget from my priviouse thread.

Thanks again amigo:D