View Full Version : problem with qprocess

13th June 2006, 11:52
Dear friends
please guide me
I have made a GUI in QT 3.3.4 ( on Suse10) . I have utilized the Main Dialog.
All the objects are created from FORM2 class (which iself is derived from QMainWindow as class Form2 : public QMainWindow)
Now my requirement is to be able to show an image / any ( not only text) file when i click on a button in this form or when a image /text file is selected from a file menu and copied to a textedit widget.
i have now done the following

#include <qprocess.h>
void Form2 :: showimage()
QProcess* proc = new QProcess( this );
proc->addArgument( "eog " );

// where showimage is a slot connected by pushbutton
i am able to qmake and make also
but when i run
i get the following message
linux:~/prac # ./prac
name = latin
name = ipa-x-sampa
name = viqr
name = hangul2
name = hangul3
name = romaja
name = tutcode
name = tcode
name = skk
name = canna
name = anthy
name = py
name = pyunihan
name = pinyin-big5
name = direct
WARNING: please edit ~/.scim/global and change /DefaultConfigModule to kconfig
i am not able to find ~/.scim/global in the directories even after an extensive search .
please guide me .
as to whether something more to be done for qprocess procedure
and how to get rid of WARNING :"please edit ~/.scim/global and change /DefaultConfigModule to kconfig"
could it be that qprocess is not launching because of the above warning
i even opened a global.txt in root/.scim/ folder and wrote "set DefaultConfigModule kconfig" but i still get the problem.
infact this warning is coming in other qt programs also but there all things are runing fine.I don't have qprocess etc there. But now when my qprocess is not responding i suspect something to do with this warning also.

13th June 2006, 13:27
Then try to create a /root/.scim/global file that contains:
/DefaultConfigModule = kconfig

13th June 2006, 13:30
And try not to start too many threads on the same subject: http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2473 (candidate for merging threads, maybe?)