View Full Version : [mac] sigabrt in macVersion()

3rd December 2009, 17:55
when i try to start any Qt program using debug libraries (i.e. with DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX=_debug) program crashes somewhere within Qt - in function Gestalt called from static QSysInfo::MacVersion macVersion() in qglobal.cpp
Mac OS 10.6 qt 4.6.0 built with -debug-and-release -cocoa

3rd December 2009, 23:33
This doesn't say much really. You might have some library conflict in your system. "Gestalt" looks more like a German word rather than a function name.

4th December 2009, 07:28
static QSysInfo::MacVersion macVersion()
SInt32 gestalt_version;
if (Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &gestalt_version) == noErr) {
return QSysInfo::MacVersion(((gestalt_version & 0x00F0) >> 4) + 2);
return QSysInfo::MV_Unknown;
from qtglobal.cpp. Crashes deep within if condition

4th December 2009, 09:09
I've discovered that debug also doesn't work in qt-4.6.0/4.5.3 SDKs. Earlier it worked. Maybe it's yesterday's Xcode update to version 3.2.1? Does anyone have this update and qt working?

4th December 2009, 09:21
I really doubt Qt has anything to do with it. It seems the crash occurs in some system call and not in Qt's or application's code.

5th December 2009, 09:08
Thanks everybody. Here's solution http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-4962