View Full Version : building a web stats page

4th December 2009, 15:24
Apologies in advance, since I'm not really sure what I need, but I suspect the
answer involves QT.

I am looking at a job that has a responsibility to programmatically gather chunks of data from various systems, including clear-text log files, SQL data, XML files, HTML page "chunks", and images, possibly using SSH or SSL authentication.

The position mentioned "scripting", HTML, and SQL.

At first I thought they needed a Perl monger (not my favorite language), then I thought I could probably do it in Python, but now I think that I can use QT for most everything, and just glue it together with a bit of C++ or maybe PyQT. The output would be some file(s) suitable for a web system status monitor.

Is this doable mostly or entirely with QT? Seems like QNetworkAccessManager, QFTP, and
similar classes can fetch the data, should I plan to use the QTScript classes ? I think all I will need to do is write XML or HTML files.

Sorry for all the questions. I am very comfortable in C++ and like QT very much, but this is a new area for me. Any response gratefully appreciated.


4th December 2009, 17:38
Most things are doable in Qt but it might be an overkill in some scenarios. Bash is the best choice in many places.

4th December 2009, 18:10
Thanks again, Wysotta.

Yah, I see now the example for HTTP Window - easy to pull an HTML page,
just need to parse contents from there. I agree simpler is better.
Looks like bash, qt command line will do everything I need.:)
