View Full Version : click on menubar item (without submenu actions)

8th December 2009, 09:53

how can I catch left click on menubar item (without submenu actions) in mainwindow?
I want to view dockwidgets and toolbar list popup (such as when you do rigth click on menubar / toolbar), when there is left click on a menubar item (with name &view).


8th December 2009, 10:01

how can I catch left click on menubar item (without submenu actions) in mainwindow?
I want to view dockwidgets and toolbar list popup (such as when you do rigth click on menubar / toolbar), when there is left click on a menubar item (with name &view).

Install event filters.

8th December 2009, 17:33
source code (from help of Qt4.6) is

bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev);


bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
if (obj == ui->menuBar) {
if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) {
QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
qDebug() << "key pressed" << keyEvent->key();
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
// pass the event on to the parent class
return QMainWindow::eventFilter(obj, event);

but for each time of click on the same menubar item, i receive a new number or receive the same number for different menubar items:

Ate key press 9
Ate key press 7
Ate key press 7
Ate key press 8
Ate key press 8
Ate key press 11
Ate key press 10
Ate key press 9
Ate key press 9
Ate key press 10
Ate key press 10
Ate key press 10
Ate key press 10
Ate key press 10
Ate key press 10
Ate key press 9
Ate key press 9
Ate key press 9
Ate key press 9
Ate key press 6
Ate key press 6
Ate key press 6

what is the solution?