View Full Version : Problems with s60

13th December 2009, 20:22
i get these errors when i try to compile the examples got when i installed qt for symbian

C:/Qt/4.6.0-symbian/demos/mainwindow/../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_symbian.h:46: error: e32std.h: No such file or directory

C:/Qt/4.6.0-symbian/demos/mainwindow/../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_symbian.h:117: error: 'User' has not been declared

if i make a new project and i build it it's ok... but when i try to compile the demos and examples i get those erros

8th January 2010, 11:23
Compare the .pro-Files from both. Start copy over stuff from one to the other until it does work / no longer work (depending on the direction) to find the difference.