View Full Version : can not run QtopiaCore-4.1.1

16th June 2006, 20:27
mitjab@ubuntu:~$ cd /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt
Qt-4.1.1/ QtopiaCore-4.1.1/
mitjab@ubuntu:~$ cd /usr/local/Trolltech/QtopiaCore-4.1.1/bin/
mitjab@ubuntu:/usr/local/Trolltech/QtopiaCore-4.1.1/bin$ ls
assistant linguist lupdate qm2ts qt3to4 rcc uic3
designer lrelease moc qmake qtdemo uic
mitjab@ubuntu:/usr/local/Trolltech/QtopiaCore-4.1.1/bin$ ./designer
QWSSocket::connectToLocalFile could not connect:: Connection refused
QWSSocket::connectToLocalFile could not connect:: Connection refused
QWSSocket::connectToLocalFile could not connect:: Connection refused
QWSSocket::connectToLocalFile could not connect:: Connection refused
QWSSocket::connectToLocalFile could not connect:: Connection refused
QWSSocket::connectToLocalFile could not connect:: Connection refused
No Qtopia Core server appears to be running.
If you want to run this program as a server,
add the "-qws" command-line option.

if i try with -qws i get

mitjab@ubuntu:/usr/local/Trolltech/QtopiaCore-4.1.1/bin$ ./designer -qws
[9;0]Creating mouse "Auto"
Cannot open keyboard: Permission denied
QPainter::setCompositionMode(), composition modes not supported on device

Qt-4.1.1 works nice but i need core

Can someone help me with this?



19th June 2006, 12:34
This looks like the same problem: http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/f-qtopia-14/t-cannot-open-keyboard-permission-denied-2665.html