View Full Version : How to make a Dot-Matrix display widget?

28th December 2009, 20:18
hi, i would like to try and write my own widget.

i would like to have it similar like show here.

i would like to try to the draw methode instead of using a text and dotmatrix char set.
i want to act like a displey and not a textbox.

you provide a string and display, the user can't enter any text.
i would like to make it resizeble and the display itself calculates the dot size itselfs.

i'm prettty new to QT and this is pretty much my first attempt to make a control from scratch.

i know, i need to use a arry/list to translate chars into custom bits in order to be translate in dots with the meaning of the char thats translated.

i would like to know the back ground, about how to draw the control and give it properties, event, etc, etc.

i'm not new to programming i have a C# back ground + php.

kind regards

28th December 2009, 23:17
Have a look at QGraphicsScene. Theres lots of demos and examples in the Qt src to get you started.