View Full Version : How to step inside(debug) webkit code?

30th December 2009, 07:34
I am using Qt4.6 on Fedora 12
here what i did.
1. downloaded the X11 source code (not the sdk)
2. extracted it in /home/username/qt-src-4.6.0/

given this configure command

cd /home/username/qt-src-4.6.0/
./configure -debug -opensource -no-qt3support -qt-gif -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake translations -no-separate-debug-info
sudo gmake install
and everything was built and installed into /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt4.6.0

i downloaded the qt-creator binary package and installed it.

in qt-creater, all the Qt - build options were set to point to /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt4.6.0/bin/qmake.

and i can compile and run my qt programs ... no problems whatsoever..

now the problem..

if i debug my application... and put a breakpoint in these two lines

QListWidget* list = new QListWidget; //<-- breakpoint here, press F11.. goes inside qlistwidget.cpp
QWebView* web = new QWebView;//<-- breakpoint here, press F11..always steps overif i press F11, to step into the code, the debugger happily goes inside the Qt gui/core etc source files and i can debug it.
but the debugger always steps over any webkit calls...
i tried copying webkit source to installl location and several other funny things but i cant get my debugger to get into the source of webkit..

what i am missing? i need to fix something in webkit.. and without debugging i can only dream of it.. :(...

30th December 2009, 07:50
Building the QtWebKit module with debugging symbols is problematic on many platforms due to the size of the WebKit engine. Its recommended building the module only in release mode for embedded platforms. Currently QtWebKit will always be compiled without debugging symbols when using gcc. Take a look at the last lines of src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/WebCore.pro if you need to change this.
More info here. (http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6/webintegration.html)

30th December 2009, 08:41
Building the QtWebKit module with debugging symbols is problematic on many platforms due to the size of the WebKit engine. Its recommended building the module only in release mode for embedded platforms. Currently QtWebKit will always be compiled without debugging symbols when using gcc. Take a look at the last lines of src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/WebCore.pro if you need to change this.
More info here. (http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6/webintegration.html)
thanks!! edited the webcore.pro and building it again... will tell the result..

PS-> next time call me if the solution is so simple.. instead of jeevan me bezitaizing me here

30th December 2009, 09:29
thanks!! edited the webcore.pro and building it again... will tell the result..

PS-> next time call me if the solution is so simple.. instead of jeevan me bezitaizing me here
finished with compile...
checked.. it WORKS!!!
thanks again.. :)

30th December 2009, 11:25
finished with compile...
checked.. it WORKS!!!
thanks again.. :)
Good, now you cannot blame QtCentre to not to help you ;)

30th December 2009, 12:23
Actually it dosent work :(.... the debugger only steps inside webkit up to 3 levels of functions... after which it behaves like if i pressed F5... ..... and the program continues to run...
i have a fairly fast machine of dual core 3.0 ghz and 3gb ram...

anyways.. i think i will try this on our good old visual studio :) ,,, may be it does not have that debugging issue... ... time to reboot...