View Full Version : Compilation of Qextserialport delivers no lib/a file

1st January 2010, 11:20
I am recompiling all my libraries with Qt 4.6.0 and with qextserialport (Version 1.1) I get a dll, but no lib file. The qmake specs are the following:

PROJECT = qextserialport

CONFIG -= debug_and_release
CONFIG += release
CONFIG += warn_on qt thread
QT -= gui

Any idea why I do not get a lib file? (Using msvc-2008)

1st January 2010, 12:39
Creation of lib from dll using a def file does not seem to work:

following the instructions from http://www.coderetard.com/2009/01/21/generate-a-lib-from-a-dll-with-visual-studio/ I get this

C:\Users\Matthias\Documents\SVN\Library\source\qex tserialport-1.1\qextserialport
\build>dumpbin /exports qextserialportd.dll
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 9.00.30729.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Dump of file qextserialportd.dll

File Type: DLL


1000 .data
2000 .idata
3000 .rdata
1000 .reloc
1000 .rsrc
6000 .text

which does not contain any exports.

How could I proceed?

1st January 2010, 13:36
Well, you could search the forum ;)


1st January 2010, 14:15
As I wrote I can not build a lib from the dll, and building the library static to get a lib is not the same as generating a lib for a dll. So that thread is not helping anyhow.

1st January 2010, 15:13
Oh right, you didn't say you wanted a DLL, you just said you couldn't produce a lib, and that post was a way of creating a lib.