View Full Version : QT4 + winhttp

5th January 2010, 12:44
I believe that i am the only one in the whole universe that wants to link qt with winhttp.lib.
I am looking for some help about this subject and i found nothing.
I am using qt4 creator with mingw32 @ windows 7.
I tried everything and i mean everything...!

LIBS += -L... -l in .pro file, in project settings for building
I tried
inside makefiles(release, debug).
I tried LIBS += mylib.lib and INCLUDEPATHS +=...

But no result. Keep getting winhttp.h file or directory not found.
Please help. I want to use winhttp with qt (QHttp is obsolete).
Is it possible to accomplish this task?

Sorry for my english, it is not my native language.

5th January 2010, 12:57
Why not use QNetworkAccessManager instead?

As for your direct problem - the LIBS variable has nothing to do with includes. You need to change the INCLUDEPATH (note the lack of "S" at the end) variable.

5th January 2010, 13:32
i wrote INCLUDEPATHS on my hurry, in project file i have written INCLUDEPATH. I know that includes have nothing to do with libs but @ a forum there was this solution also. nvm

How can i get the body from the http reply using QNetworkAccessManager and QNetworkReply ?
Can you provide a working example?

5th January 2010, 13:38
How can i get the body from the http reply using QNetworkAccessManager and QNetworkReply ?
QNetworkReply is a QIODevice, just call readAll() on it.

5th January 2010, 13:45
I am using qt4 creator with mingw32 @ windows 7.
Just to warn you:
AFAIR you can't link MinGW app with MSVC libraries and this filename:

looks like MSVC lib.
But maybe I am wrong...

5th January 2010, 13:57
Thank you both! ;)